Davis's Blog

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February 10, 2020
by davis22sw

Nile Dweller Journal Entry

Dear Diary,


    I had a good day. I was able to get most of the crops harvested today. I did also have some bad luck. A section of the shaduf broke off, and it took my awhile to fix it. Unfortunately the oxen didn’t get to plow the fields. One oxen looks very ill. Excited for market day tomorrow


Dear Diary, 


    Today was a really good day at the market. I was able to trade for tools, a healthy ox, and bread and pastries.  The market was full of traders, today. I was excited to see the King riding through the city with his entourage.  It made me feel a lot of pride. I wish I could have meet him. Tomorrow will be very productive. Goodbye Diary.


Evening, Nile River, Uganda

By: Rod Waddington

CC BY-SA 2.0

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